Hello guys welcome back with me, now I want to tell you about new crypto and this crypto basically using to Medic. Okay now do you know this crypto ?

Okay name of the crypto is INSTANT ACCESS MEDICAL or iAM. Do you know about iAM ? what is iAM? And What benefit of iAM?

Okay let me tell you about iAM.

What is IAM ?

iAM’s unified platform solves healthcare’s biggest issues including insurance fraud, medication adherence, prescription abuse and also the problem of medical data portability. With enterprise partners Guardtime, Healthcare Gateway, and DXS our solution will be accessible to more than 70% of the UK population. Users can share their records (secured by blockchain) and pay for services with iAM tokens. Our healthcare economy is governed by smart contracts. Patients, doctors, insurers, researchers, public health agencies and big pharma often have different goals. iAM reconciles conflicting objectives and delivers win-win outcomes for all participants. We call this the point of consensus.

The Problem

Despite exponential advancements in pharmaceuticals, medical procedures and diagnostics world over, health care record infrastructure remains fragmented and the industry still faces six key challenges:

  1.        – $260 Billion lost in health insurance fraud globally
  2.        – 73% YoY rise in deaths from prescription abuse & medical non-adherence costs $290B+ Claim settlements & reconciliation times increasing in line with fraud
  3.        – Digitization alone doesn’t ensure records can be trusted
  4.        – Lack of medical data portability restricts patient and insurer choice
  5.        – Cybercriminals target Medical data now worth 100x credit card numbers


Insurance fraud is a $260 billion dollar problem p/a resulting in higher premiums and expenses for consumers and reduced benefits and coverage. Blockchain enabled Healthcare records are one of the most important secure digital documents in the fight to combat insurance fraud as provenance of the data is immutable. The iAM personal care record meets this global opportunity.

In the US medication non-adherence is the leading cause of preventable illness and death. The iAM personal care record will help improve medication adherence with potential savings of at least GBP 800 million and US$290 billion in the US.

In the UK Diabetes already costs the NHS nearly £10 billion a year, and 80% of this is spent on managing avoidable complications. The position is similar for all the other long term conditions. 40% of the population have at least one long term condition (hypertension, heart, lung or kidney disease, asthma, epilepsy etc.) but these consume 70% of the NHS budget. Driven by authoritative data from GP systems , the iAM personal care record ensures that anyone with a long term condition, including Diabetes, or other long term condition, is unfailingly alerted, reminded and followed up, entirely automatically, requiring no effort or resources from the GP, the practice staff, or the patient.

Last year Mariya Yeo (woman at Forbes) commented that your credit card number is worth 25 cents but your electronic health record is worth hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars to cyber criminals. Healthcare technology companies and system developers worldwide are scrambling to adopt blockchain technology as a means of delivering security and confidentiality. With the iAM personal care record all records on our blockchain are secured through cryptography.

The Solution

An industry solution to multi billion dollar problems!

Instant Access Medical is changing everything by creating a single, lifelong healthcare record under your control. Easy, portable management of health data in a comprehensive, up-to-date record and the ability to SMART share with healthcare professionals to get the best possible outcomes.


Trusted, digital and portable health records that streamline insurance claim settlements and minimize manual errors


Record security by Guardtime KSI Industrial Scale Blockchain & record sharing governed by smart contracts


Reduce waste and speed up transactions by the creation of a tokenized health care economy

The Point of Consensus

The poin of consensus.JPG

Despite the apparent conflict that exists between parties within the Healthcare Industry; iAM’s platform delivers a win-win outcome, we call this the “The Point of Consensus.”

Patients : Achieve better healthcare outcomes with increased control, portability and personalised care pathways, alerts & reminders, save time & earn money by optional sharing of anonymised health data.

Doctors & Care providers: Can provide better care in collaboration with the iAM app, records are digitised reducing manual errors, can treat patient’s record data as primary evidence, reduce time wasted. Patient data is securely shared using the blockchain.

Researchers: Competitively priced and easy access to comprehensive, complete and trusted de-identified patient data.

Partners: Improved access to health market place and permissioned access to patient health data.

Insurers: Access to digital patient data with explicit patient consent, to reduce the cost of care delivery; reduced fraud & settlement claims costs.

Token Details

SYMBOL               : IAM

PRICE                   : $0.40

Soft Cap               : $2,000,000

Token Supply      : 500,000,000

Token Type         : ERC20 Utility Token

Token Supply & Distribution

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iAM puts users in control of their own health data. Users manage their own personal health records and share these with doctors, hospitals, care providers and other healthcare participants. iAM rewards individuals who elect to share their anonymized health data with iAM tokens. Members pay to securely store their record on our blockchain, share with health care professionals, and to write to their records using IoT devices. Members settle payments for health services with iAM tokens. These transactions create iAM’s tokenized healthcare economy.

Why iAM ?

Token utility

Get access to the full benefits of iAM’s platform by using iAM Tokens. Manage your token balance via the iAM Wallet (Mobile & Web app) and top it up by purchasing tokens

Blockchain Secured

Secure your personal care records on the blockchain.


Earn iAM tokens when you consent to share your anonymized data with researchers

Record Sharing

Securely share your record with health care professionals, the interaction is governed by smart contracts.

Write Access

Grant read & write access to Doctors, hospitals, healthcare providers and authorised 3rd parties.

Payments & Transfers

Pay for services such as booking appointments or telemedicine consults. You are also able to send, receive and pay in iAM tokens as you would any other crypto currency.


iAM  team has a unique combination of experienced doctors, healthcare and IT specialists. The core founders each have 35+ years or more experience in healthcare that translates into domain expertise, strong vision and sound strategy.






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VANTA Network[INFINITY Connect]


Hello guys I want to tell you about new crypto. And the name of crypto is VANTA Network.

Okay now let me tell you about VANTA Network

What is VANTA Network ?

VANTA aims to be the World’s first decentralized network that enables fast and low cost development and operation of scalable services that provide infinite connectivity. In VANTA, participating nodes will compete to contribute to connect, transmit and process data in real-time on the network, which will provide a low-cost and highly available intelligent network. By combining this competitive system with verifiable randomness, VANTA will feature a consensus algorithm that will increase scalability and efficiency.

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Why Must VANTA ?

The need for real-time connectivity between people or devices is increasing exponentially. A decentralized network that allows infinite connectivity with a guarantee of privacy is indispensable. VANTA will aim to provide solutions to our everyday problems. It will be optimized for real-time data transmissions to provide infinite connectivity among all people, devices and information, creating a variety of new opportunities for businesses.

What is Benefit of VANTA ?


For developers

Develop and operate a real-time communication service that is scalable, reliable, and highly secure at low cost.


For users

Use various high-quality services free or almost free of charge without worrying about privacy.


For organizations

Build a blockchain-based telecommunication network between different organizations.

Use CasesVANTA is a blockchain project dedicated to connecting with real businesses to grow our ecosystem.


Real-time collaboration services, delivery/shopping/car sharing/reservation related platform services that require communication between users, customer service within shopping or reservation services, and social dating services.


Live video streaming services will include online courses, user-generated video content, sports & game broadcasts and more while VOD streaming services include movies, entertainment, and music.


Online game interaction data will be transmitted through VANTA, which will provide real-time data processing, a necessity for game developers. Tradable items with monetary value will be tracked by VANTA’s blockchain.

Internet of Things

Some IoT sensors and hubs require thousands to tens of thousands of data per second. These IoT sensors and hubs can use VANTA to process traffic data, factory operation data, personalized medical and welfare data, connected car data, smart home data etc.

Telecommunication Infra

VANTA provides private blockchain solutions to enterprises, public institutions, and hospitals looking to set up telecommunications infrastructure. A blockchain-based telecommunications infrastructure is cost-effective and easier to use.

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The Intelligent Network Platform

VANTA’s intelligent network is a decentralized network that performs real-time transmission, processing, and storage of data. It is comprised of intelligent nodes that select, collaborate, and evaluate each other. All the nodes in the network participate in real-time communication work competition based on their computing power, network bandwidth, memory, reliability and contribution. And the nodes that have successfully proved their work can participate in block generation. This process gradually evolves the scalability, reliability and efficiency of the network.

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Network Framework

The VANTA Networking Framework is a low-level, non-blockchain, networking framework that delivers the networking performance for real-time communication while securing data against malicious attacks. Built on the PGP encryption standard and inspired by Namecoin’s decentralized namespaces model, this framework provides a rock-solid foundation for VANTA applications. Additionally, authentication and communication channel algorithms based on zero-knowledge proof enables secure data syncing and integration across multiple devices.


VANTA Architecture

VANTA designed an architecture optimized for real-time data. It creates its own platform ecosystem and can be applied as a module to other platforms. Therefore, a wide range of service developers and users will participate, and various services with real-time connectivity will be developed.

VANTA has created Proof of Networking(PoN) that enables each node to contribute to real-time connectivity competitively, and by combining this with BFT algorithm and Verifiable Random Function (VRF), we have designed a unique PoN-VRBFT consensus algorithm.







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BTT username : yulius (OIO) [Together we can Change the Internet]

Hello guys now I want to introduce new cryptocurrency. The token name is Online. The Online (OIO) token is an unique digital asset that will unleash the Internet from ads, malware and tracking software, leading to a more enjoyable and secure browsing experience, with sizeable benefits for both web operators and end users.
FEATURE of Online
No Ads
At this moment, the web users are paying to browse the internet, either through subscriptions or through less transparent fees, such as digital advertising. In our envisaged environment the web users will enjoy an ad free Internet, while the web operators will still benefit from financial rewards.
No Tracking
In today’s interconnected society, companies adopted less transparent practices of online tracking and behavioral profiling. Very sensitive information, such as financial and health records are often collected, thus raising a myriad of privacy concerns. Our solution incorporates a tracking script blocker that will severely disrupt the ability to continue tracking in real-time the user’s activity.
Antivirus Protection
The massive expansion of the Internet and the high degree of connectivity lead to a similar or even more dramatic rise in cyber-attacks aiming at gathering sensitive and confidential information. One of the most prominent way of carrying a cyber-attack is through the infected websites that usually contain hidden malware scripts. Our solution will protect the end users using a custom anti-malware and ad blocking script that will safeguard their personal data and enhance their security.
Faster Browsing
People are aware that online ads are slowing down their browsing speed, hence an increasing number of users are using ad blockers to navigate the internet faster. Through our solution, end users will benefit from the effects as using an ad blocker, while also enjoying a more secure and private experience due to the other features. Furthermore, the web operators will still be able to monetize their websites’ content.
Browser extensions
Our solution comes with extensions for all the major desktop and mobile browsers and includes the ad blocker, tracking script blocker, anti malware and the web wallet. On top, we will integrate a voting system through which will help curate the internet.
Mobile application
Our mobile applications will function as a wallet, ad blocker, tracking script blocker and anti malware. The mobile apps will also contain a performance and battery time enhancer that will further improve the browsing experience.
Ethereum Based
Our solution uses standard ERC20 tokens from the Ethereum platform which guarantees full transparency and accountability, meaning all transactions will be visible on the public BlockChain.
Our wallets will work on all major operating systems and browsers. Mobile phones and tablets will have one app for wallet, ad blocker, tracking script, anti malware and desktop operating system will also have dedicated app wallets.
Merchants will be able to accept crypto payments through our system by using our API or premade modules for most popular ecommerce software solutions like shopify, prestashop, opencart, magento and others.
Our website will have a full section dedicated to finding all the places where you can buy using a in-house developed merchant system. Also, the marketplace will contain detailed information regarding how other merchants can integrate our merchant system. Information regarding international group of partners will also be available.
The financial rewarding basis for website operators will be the proof of online, namely a number that quantifies the time spent by users on each website. Most importantly, everyone will benefit from an ad free, secure and private browsing experience. Also, the end users will be able to rank each website based on their experience, by using a voting system based on 1 to 5 stars. The stars will then be converted based on an algorithmic formula in Trust Rating which will be an indicative of each websites’ quality, awarded by its visitors.


Ok guys time to invest your money and get profit.
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Hi guys come back again with this new ICO, this time i will discuss an ICO from ORBIS TRANSFER. What are the advantages of ORBIS TRANSFER, the usability of ORBIS TRANSFER, and why you should have this ORBIS Token. For more details let us refer to together the following reviews.


The future of FinTech!

What is ORBIS Transfer?

OrbisSolutions has a great plan to launch physical branches around the world. Our branches will be equipped with self-service ATM machines and AI Virtual Assistance. The Orbis branches will provide all types of financial services including payments, transfers, withdrawals, deposits and investment services.

The Orbis financial branches that are automated and decentralized businesses will not have workers to avoid human error and possible fraud, in which case our clients will be served and assisted by Artificial Intelligence Virtual Chat Robots and Holograms.

None of our clients will feel the frustration of transaction costs, wasted time and bad customer service.

Digital payments are growing rapidly, and that’s what we use for our working model. A universal innovative transaction service that involves both fiat and cryptocurrency is pretty non-existent today so we’ve figured out how to fill this gap by introducing Orbis Money Transfer and Investment Projects.


Orbis Solutions

– Investments and trading are ruled and governed by greedy banks and corporations that control access, operate non-transparently and always take a cut of your money.

– As a result the industry suffers from low liquidity in virtual goods and cryptocurrencies, as well as the lack of a single interface to access financial, virtual goods and crypto-markets.

– On top of this, the complexities and exclusive nature of existing financial systems currently leave over 3 billion people unbanked worldwide, that’s why OrbisSolutions company came up and developed one great idea

Orbis Blockchain

We provide our customers with tools that allow the generational leap to a safer Blockchain 5.0, able to create synergies among cryptocurrencies and to adapt to their specific needs, splitting and rejoining itself , allowing for a neater and faster data flux, which can manage the assets in a complex structured universe via Orbis Coins.


Once you have registered, and participated in the ICO, you have entered in our ecosystem being able to manage your assets with only an internet connected smartphone or computer.

– Our utility Orbis coin (ORBS) will have a stable price and will be used by customers to make payments , save and transfer with no fee their assets without the risk of depreciating or loosing.

– Orbis security coin (ORBSi) will be released public to cryptocurrency exchanges and traders.

– Users will be able to convert cryptocurrencies and fiat money into Orbis coins and manage them via Orbis card/smartphone apps/desktop software and in our future Orbis self-service branches worldwide.

– 24/7 Support from Virtual Artificial Intelligence Chat Robots

How to get ORBIS Token?

You can get ORBIS Token from ICO. following details of ICO ORBIS.


1st of May – 29th of July


May 1, 2018 (9:00AM GMT)


Jul 29, 2018 (11:00AM GMT)


Coins sold until now : 3806789 ORBIS

Coin exchange rate : 1 ORBIS = 0.5 EUR

Accepted currencies : ETH, BTC, EUR, USD

ICO Minimal Capital : 500.000 euro



1 Feb 2017

Start of ORBIS Project.

1 Mar 2017

Project design and team gathering

1 May 2017

Orbis blockchain platform concept testing with success

1 Jul 2017

ICO and marketing project done.

16 Apr 2018

Pre-ICO start

30 Apr 2018

Pre-ICO finish

1 May 2018

ICO start

29 July 2018

ICO closing

1 Aug 2018

Release of Orbis desktop/mobile platform, ORBS, ORBSi coins, ORBIS Wallet and ORBIS Mobile app

15 Aug 2018

Listing and trading ORBS and ORBSi coins on most of big exchanges

1 Sep 2018

Release of Orbis Debit card to customers

1 Oct 2018

Presenting Orbis Invest

1 Nov 2018

Presenting the Orbis Branches project (self-service cash dispensing machines VR customer service)

1 Dec 2018

Releasing to public buy Orbis Franchise

1 Jul 2019

Presenting Orbis Phylatropic Projects


ORBIS Backed by a Strong and Intelligent Team



Ok thanks for your attention. Forgive me if any mistake. And its time to say good bye.

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My BTT Username : yulius




Ok brothers here I will explain about INGOT COIN, what is ingot coin? How does it work? its usefulness as what? and how to get INGOT COIN?

Ok first what is INGOT COIN?

INGOT Coin aims to create the first revolutionary ecosystem based on blockchain technology that will connect the newly developed crypto market with existing financial markets eliminating inefficiency while providing a one-stop ecosystem that enables participants to conduct and conduct transactions according to their financial needs .

The IC ecosystem will be based on blockchain technology and will use Smart Contracts to facilitate the implementation of different contracts, while eliminating the need for intermediaries and external disruptions that limit investors to fully engage in all markets. By adopting blockchain, we create a special ecosystem that will substantially increase customer confidence, market liquidity, and most importantly – provide an efficient market price and access to funds for all stakeholders.

The IC ecosystem will change trade, settlement and payments and make it instant, bring together the different important components and cut out the third party intermediaries that typically delay the process and increase related costs.


Ecosystem Overview

Creating an unprecedented, a firstof-its-kind revolutionary ecosystem based on blockchain technology that will link newly developed crypto markets with the currently existing financial markets eliminating inefficiencies, while providing a one-stop ecosystem that enables participants to perform and execute transactions according to their financial needs.

This will construct a new pathway between the crypto and the current traditional market participants, enabling them to diversify their portfolio in an efficient and secure manner.


The Token

Token Summary

The Exchange will charge a preferred rate on all transactions paid by our coin, compared to payments done by other major cryptocurrencies or fiat currencies. INGOT will distribute coin dividends once the company is mature and profitable. This increases the attractiveness of the coin in the initial phases and in the long run. The maximum number of tokens that will be distributed will be 120,000,000 IC. In case tokens were not all sold once all the ICO ends, all unsold tokens will enter a burning program as per the smart contract.

Uses of the Token

This hybrid token serves as a utility and a security token. We will go into extensive explanations of both beneficial areas.

Security benefits

The token holders will benefit from the growth of the Ecosystem’s returns. The returns will be reflected on the price, in terms of Capital Gains and in terms of Dividends. As one of the Ecosystem’s main objective is to satisfy token holders and ensure their benefits are on the top of the objectives list, the reflection of the returns on the price of IC will be mainly channeled through our dividends program that will start after the Ecosystem is sustainable and profitable. As it is currently in the market, companies that pay increasing amounts of dividends to their shareholders will enjoy increase in stock or token prices. This is due to the increase in attractiveness of the security as the returns on the price of the security has increased. Along with some of the other cryptocurrencies, the token will have limited supply, which will lead to fixing the supply while demand can increase that will lead to capital gains for token holders.

Utility Benefits

The main benefits of this token lie here. The token could be used in a magnitude of ways:

  • Method of payment within the Ecosystem: As there is value to the coin, Ecosystem stakeholders will be willing to receive these coins as a method of payment. The advantage here is that if a token holder is paying the IC Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC Crypto Certifier, IC Accelerator and the IC community they will receive various discounts from %5 and reaching up to %50 in some cases.
  • Method of payment to external entities: In this case, IC will act just like any other cryptocurrency, a method of payment with value shown clearly from the exchanges. The increase in circulation of the token will provide a more efficient price of the token.

INGOT Coin will be the preferred transacting method throughout the entire Ecosystem, covering the following components:


Ecosystem Caps

Hard Cap

Based on our extensive financial model, we have placed a hard cap of $90,000,000. This number will ensure we provide the best services with optimal allocations into each component of this all-inclusive ecosystem. The values plotted below include the best registrations with top-notch developers implementing on state-of-the-art technologies.


Many assets will be shared among the Ecosystem. The above values include cost of licenses that depend on the country of choice. Different countries have different costs and presents us with different statuses.

Soft Cap

Our Ecosystem could be constructed in rounds. However, the main core should be implemented simultaneously. Having said that, we have included the main components with their minimum value to be launched with a minimum of $37,000,000.


Token Bonus, Discounts & Dates

Pre-ICO Discounts, Dates and Limits

INGOT Coin presale ICO will start on May 1st, 2018 and ends on June 30th, 2018.

ICO Discounts, Dates and Limits

INGOT Coin ICO will start on July 1st, 2018 and ends on August 11th, 2018. Each discount phase comes with a limit that restricts how much is invested at a specific discount rate.


Our Board




team 2



How to get INGOT COIN ?

You can visit this link and get more information. Come on time to invest go go go …


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My BTT profile link :;u=2181373

My BTT username : yulius


HOMELEND building a blockchain-based, peer-to-peer mortgage lending platform.

Economic demands continue to be urgent, primary and secondary needs continue to grow as the times progress and and one of its problems is the low economic factor and the Mortgage Loan Being in the Core Society. Owning a home is one of the basic human needs – the need most people can only afford by taking out a mortgage loan from a bank. In the US alone, more than 8 million mortgage loans are granted every year.

Homelend Developing a Decentralized, Peer-To-Peer Mortgage Lending Platform Serving Two Purposes

  1. Modernizing the age-old mortgage lending system in order to make it efficient, cost-effective and customercentric.
  2. Expanding home ownership opportunities for meetings, distinct lifestyle and needs.

How does it work?

By leveraging distributed ledger technology (DLT) and smart contracts, Homelend brings together individual borrowers and lenders on an end-to-end platform that streamlines and automates the entire mortgage origination process.


Why must HOMELEND ?

Homelend is being developedas a blockchain solution that will significantly increase the housing financing possibilities for many individuals and families. Our value proposition is socially sensitive and anchored in a P2P progressive approach that aims to use technology for society’s benefit. Nonetheless, Homelend is also based on a sound and profitable business model, which consciously reaches out to address an underserved market. On the one hand, Homelend creates an investment opportunity for many individuals, with a solution that unites a traditional industry as real estate, with an innovative technology like blockchain. On the other hand, it makes possible for many individuals (who due to various circumstances, including current limitations in the traditional credit risks models, do not possess a solid credit score but are otherwise creditworthy) to access to housing financing and solve one of their most basic aspirations: having a home of their own.

  1. From manual & lengthy, to Streamlined & Efficient

By embedding pre-defined business logic into smart contracts, digitizing documentation and eliminating unnecessarily processes, Homelend will automatically execute an end-to-end origination process, cutting it down from 50 days to less than 20.

  1. From Ambiguous & Clunky to Transparent & User-Friendly

Homelend aims to create a lending process that is not only smart, but also simple and fair. It will enable borrowers will be able to easily apply for a loan, track their application status at all times and interact directly with mortgage lenders.

  1. From Costly Intermediation to Cost-Effective & Middleman-Free

The immutability, security and transparency provided by DLT makes it possible to record transactions, including loans, without banks acting as middlemen. This will reduce costs for both borrowers and lenders, while minimizing the distance between them.

  1. From Vulnerable & Unreliable to Trusted & Secure

Centralization and paper-based processes are the key factors behind the insecurity and vulnerability that characterize the traditional mortgage industry. The unique characteristics of DLT and smart contracts enable Homelend to provide a platform for people to transact large amounts of money in a trusted, transparent, and secure way


The HMD token is the fuel powering the Homelend peer-to-peer lending platform. It’s main functionality is to grant access to the Homelend platform.

This utility token also plays an instrumental role in enabling a fast, smooth and user-friendly workflow that is unified and secure.

And all tokens can be converted to and from HMD.



Total Supply………………….250,000,000


Face Value…………………….1 ETH= 1,600 HMD

Accepted Currencies……….BTC, ETH, USD

Softcap………………………….US$ 5,000,000

Hardcap…………………………US$ 30,000,000


Time table

Pre-Sale…………………..March 1, 2018



For Bonuses if you want to buy HOMELEND Token  (ETH/HMD)

Week 1…………………………..20%

Week 2…………………………..15%

Week 3…………………………..10%

Week 4 and After……………..0%

TOKEN Allocation


Use of Proceeds

USE of procees


Executive Team


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BTT username : Yulius

BTT Profile link :;u=2181373

Swiss Alps Mining & Energy


The Smart Mining Company

Connecting the world of blockchain with environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in the Swiss alps.


A new breakthrough in the world of cryptocurrency mining with energy and production cost savings.


What is Swiss Alps Mining?

Swiss Alps Mining is an intelligent cryptocurrency mining project in a better, more efficient, and renewable way. All mining equipment is made specifically to operate in the Swiss Alps, according to the project name. And some reasons to choose a location that will save you up to 50% in final power costs. Knowing that currently the cost of electricity spends half of Bitcoin’s mining profits, he explained that many Swiss Alpine mines will benefit from classic mining operations. The climate in the Swiss Alps has a mine operating temperature and costs up to 40% for cooling. Hot liquid mining will also be used for electricity reclamation, and this will create additional requirements for Swiss Alpine Mining operations. Swiss Alps Mining is a Swiss startup company in the area of crypto mining and energy, located in Huenenberg, Canton of Zug. SAE plans to start operating crypto mining farms in the Swiss alps in 2018 – a pioneering project. These farms are situated in buildings no longer used by local farmers. SAE will at the same time operate small hydropower plants to produce the electricity needed for crypto mining.



The blockchain community worldwide faces strong headwinds due to the very energy-intensive mining process of crypto currencies and blockchain-based business applications. At the same time, in the Swiss alps, thousands of unused structures are disintegrating due to the fact that today’s spatial planning law does not allow for residential use of these buildings.


Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is a distributed ledger-based energy supplier and an operator of flexible modular mining infrastructures that are intended for long-term stationary use. Thereby, SAE preserves unused buildings in the Swiss alps and uses them sensibly and without interference with either building structure or the environment.

Business model

A sophisticated modular cube system allows Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) to build and implement prefabricated dust-protected mining components on-site. Ideal natural temperature conditions enable easy cooling of the mining facilities, which leads to a reduction of energy consumption of up to 30% in comparison to comparable installations. The flexible and modular mining cubes provide cutting-edge automation and


SAE concept

Out of its unique position as an experienced Switzerland provider of blockchain technology and hyperledger-based business applications, Swiss Alps Mining & Energy strives to:

  • promote blockchain technology and its uses to a broader public
  • provide clients / third parties the decentralized infrastructure to develeop their own blockchain-based projects
  • address environmental issues associated with crypto mining worldwide
  • support the local economy in Switzerland alpine areas and facilitate the digital transformation in these areas
  • be an electricity supplier using the distributed ledger technology



The Token

The SAM token (Sam) is an ERC20 token. It can be used as a means of payment within the SAE mining and service universe and will be tradable outside the SAM platform on all relevant exchanges. All services provided by SAE as well as the purchase of power and cubes will be paid in SAM tokens. This includes renting and buying of mining units, electricity supply from SAM Power Plants, hosting of blockchains on decentralized SAM Units, and the development of blockchain-based services such as global KYC.


Token Distribution

  • A total of 239’682’538 Sam tokens (100%) will be issued on the Ethereum blockchain using a smart contract.
  • SAM will comply with the ERC20 standard and will be freely transferable on the Ethereum platform.
  • These tokens will be the only Sam ever issued.



token distribution.JPG


Participate in The Smart Mining Company

Swiss Alps Energy AG will hold an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in May 2018. The funds raised in the ICO will be used to finance the development and expansion of the mining facilities and to acquire holdings in hydropower plants.

The SAM token (Sam) is an ERC20 token. It can be used as a means of payment within the SAE mining and service universe and will be tradable outside the SAM platform on all relevant exchanges.

For more information please visit this link


And if you want to buy the token please visit



SAM Platform

The SAM Platform will provide a Sam wallet that is fully compatible with existing token exchanges and that allows for easy withdrawal and purchase of tokens. Holders of Sam tokens can also use any wallet that supports Ethereum ERC20 contracts. The wallet also offers the purchase of Sam coins with crypto currencies such as BTC and ETH. Users can interact with the platform via web, desktop and mobile devices. They can invest their Sam coins on the SAE platform to rent mining power and mine crypto currencies such as BTC, ETH, DASH, etc.




After the initial development of SAE’s infrastructure and business activities in Switzerland, the expansion into foreign countries, especially in the area of renewable energies, is conceivable and desirable. The ability to pay by using crypto currencies and the settlement process via smart contracts is another novelty that can further help SAE to become the industry leader in the field of blockchain-based business models. 



The Smart Mining Company – Connecting the world of blockchain with environmentally friendly mining in unused buildings in the Swiss alps.

Swiss Alps Mining & Energy strives to enable environmentally friendly mining of crypto currencies in the Swiss alps. Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) is Swiss Alps Mining & Energy’s operating business. SAE is a Swiss startup company in the area of crypto mining and energy, located in Huenenberg, Canton of Zug.

Executive Team





For more Information you can visit










My Profile link :;u=2181373

BTT User name : yulius

ThinkCoin (Think of a new era of global trading. ThinkCoin)



What is ThinkCoin?

ThinkCoins is a cryptocurrency designed to trade financial products and digital commerce tokens that support the TradeConnect network. By applying blockchain in the trading world, ThinkCoin allows users to trade forex, commodities, stocks, and other financial products in a simple, safe, and easy-to-use way.

Why must ThinkCoin ?

Because a global financial markets are dominated by banks, financial institutions, and other market participants who operate primarily via fiat currencies and legacy settlement processes.

In new world of technology means ThinkCoin can now deliver greater transparency and access to all market participants. Established financial players have so far failed to take the opportunity that blockchain technology has to offer.

And in Other problem:

  1. There is no single provider that connects all markets like crypto, equities, CFD, physical, and futures.
  2. As markets shift it is hard to switch from trading cryptocurrencies into trading other asset classes
  3. Multiple trading or exchange accounts are required, and are mostly dependent on fiat
  4. It is costly and time consuming to move funds between providers

And ThinkCoin will create a cutting-edge new multi-asset trading network that will connect all traders to all markets. We are calling this network TradeConnect. This network will enable seamless trading across multiple traditional and non-traditional financial markets using cryptocurrency accounts made possible by blockchain technology and the distributed ledger. To raise funds to design and develop the network, we are launching an ICO of ThinkCoin, a bespoke new digital token that will underpin trading on the network.

ThinkCoin Initial Coin Offer

During the initial coin offering (ICO), TradeConnect will issue virtual currency tokens called ThinkCoins (TCO). There are many reasons why ThinkCoin have chosen to carry out an do initial coin offering (ICO).

  1. An initial coin offering not only allows ThinkCoin to onboard participants from different regions, but also to incentivise them to promote the TradeConnect network via affiliate commissions.
  2. Tokens provide liquidity since they can be traded on various networks after the ICO. In addition, Participants will have the option of buying and selling their tokens on many exchanges around the world.
  3. Finally, and most importantly, we want to democratise trading: TCO tokens will be used to trade a vast array of financial products and we want as many people as we can to join the network on launch.

Token Allocation

TradeConnect will issue the tokens in two stages:

–          A Pre-ICO to enable early development and engage participants

–          The ICO itself to enable the systems and structures to be built

In addition to these stages of token issue, 1% will be

retained to be used as bounties during the pre-ICO and ICO; 15% will be allocated to management, employees and advisors to reward and incentivise; and the final 24% will be retained for future use, such as a building liquidity pools for significant participants.

The token allocation will break down as follows:

Token distribution

Pre-ICO and ICO


The base price of TCO tokens will be $0.30 USD

ThinkCoin Pre-ICO will have two stages, with a different bonus

during each period:

  1. Phase one: 3rd – 23rd April 2018: 45%
  2. Phase two: 24th April – 18th June 2018: 22%

In case not all 60% of TCO tokens available at the Pre-ICO and ICO stages are sold, the remainder will be burnt in order to maintain the distribution as specified above.

The Hard Cap for the Pre-Sale, Pre-ICO and ICO will be $30,000,000 USD.

Project roadmap

Phase One

July 2018

  • Development work begins on TradeConnect Personas and Liquidity algorithms.
  • Development work begins on on/off-chain settlement process for maker and takers
  • TradeConnect protocol and smart contract details for FX and CFD trades finalized
  • TradeConnect license upgrades submitted globally for exchange Trading
  • Global license additions submitted for Japan, US, Singapore and South Africa
  • Launch of the TradeConnect Wallet
  • Working Alpha UI submitted for TradeConnect wallet and trading platform
  • Integration begins for liquidity providers and early adopters
  • ThinkCoin (TCO) listed on Exchanges
  • Beta UI Submitted for TradeConnect wallet and trading platform
  • TradeConnect network goes live in Alpha to select testers for pricing only
  • TradeConnect network API finalized

August 2018

  • Beta UI submitted for TradeConnect wallet and trading platform
  • TradeConnect network goes live in Beta

October 2018

  • FX and CFD trading on the ThinkConnect network begins
  • ThinkCoin used as official currency for TradeConnect
  • TradeConnect network open to integration for institutional liquidity
  • Daily Connect fee distribution starts on TradeConnect

November 2018

  • ThinkMarkets joins Trade Connect network and begins process of integrating its user base as participants on the network

December 2018

  • Target approval of TradeConnect exchange trading licenses for NYSE, NASDAQ and CME

Phase Two

Exchange Trading Integration

January 2019

  • TradeConnect begins offering trading in equities, commodities, futures and more. Customer can now buy stock in companies using ThinkCoin (TCO) smart contract on the network
  • TradeConnect opens trading for the institutional sector for hedge funds, prime brokers, asset managers and corporations

March 2019

  • TradeConnect allows trading in equities for investors in Japan, Singapore, Europe, and Australia.

July 2019

  • TradeConnect IPO


Team 1

Team 2.JPG

Team 3.JPG

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BTT username : yulius